

英漢字典: come off

1. fall;cease being joined to脫落;從…離開

    This button has just come off. 這顆鈕扣是剛掉的。

2. take place as planned舉行;進行

    The tennis finals will come off tomorrow. 網球決賽明天進行。

3. succeed成功;實現

    The attempt isn't likely to come off. 這種嘗試不大可能成功。

    I'm glad everything has come off so nicely. 我很高興一切進行得這樣好。

    If this method doesn't come off,we shall have to think of another. 假如這個辦法行不通,我們只好另想辦法。

4. have a result;turn out to be結果是

    She came off badly in the match. 她在比賽中成績不佳。

    The day came off,though it had drizzled early in the morning. 雖然那天早上下著毛毛雨,後來卻轉晴了。

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